
Category: Press

Passione Rock about Feelikescaping

Passione Rock about Feelikescaping: “… a delightful musical journey, personal and full of suggestions; not tired and indeed calls another listening, ensuring always a new and fresh experience” > Read the review translated in ENGLISH by Google  < Primo disco per il gruppo progressive metal veneto, segnalatosi in precedenza già con due EP, intitolati entrambi Materioteca, pensati …

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Notturno Metal interview Wood of Light

The Wood of Light are guests of Notturno Metal Radio Show conducted by Lorenzo Vettorello on Radio Gamma 5: listen for free Head-on Crash, The Rot-ten Apples, The Man Who Knows His Fate and Mr. Lone Star and discover the backstage during the production of Feelikescaping! Notturno Metal is the radio show dedicated to Metal music wich airs every Monday from 11:30 PM on Radio …

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Prog Metal Zone about Feelikescaping

Prog Metal Zone about Feelikescaping: “The music is also so unique and excellent…“ New young band charts their own path within Italy’s fertile progressive metal scene. As many progressive metal aficionados know, Italy could very well have the most active number of bands and like all countries, the quality varies but there are definitely some great Italian …

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Unprogged about Feelikescaping

Unprogged about Feelikescaping: “… the instrumental section is solid, made up of good riffs and melodic good solutions; It is very pleasant and above all interpreted with good technique.” > Read the review translated in ENGLISH by Google  < A detta degli stessi Wood of Light questo disco d’esordio nasce “con l’ambizione di trasmettere all’ascoltatore “un’esperienza” e …

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StereoInvaders interview Osvaldo Indriolo and Davide Schimd

StereoInvaders interview Osvaldo Indriolo and David Schimd: “… we have reached a very interesting compromise between progressive, metal and pop sounds, with thoughtful songs but accessible at the same time and very catchy melodies.” > Read the review translated in ENGLISH by Google  < Intervista esclusiva (ed in anteprima) a Osvaldo Indriolo e Davide Schimd …

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Shapeless Zine interview Osvaldo Indriolo

Shapeless Zine interview Osvaldo Indriolo: “if by chance some songs had to have one or more sections like Dream Theater’s sound, we discard it immediately”. > Read the review translated in ENGLISH by Google  < I Wood Of Light provengono da Treviso e suonano un prog metal decisamente interessante. Abbiamo scambiato due parole con il …

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La Nuova of Venezia about i Wood of Light

La Nuova of Venezia about Music Mestre Growing: “The Wood of Light of good singer Simone Colman showed a good sound performance of their songs in prog-metal style.” > Read the review translated in ENGLISH by Google  < Il giovane rock conquista il Laurentianum Il rock giovanile conquista il Laurentianum. La seconda sera delle fasi eliminatorie del …

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StereoInvaders interview Osvaldo Indriolo and Mirco Brunello

Stereoinvaders interview Osvaldo Indriolo and Mirco Brunello: “Our next LP will surely be a more mature work and more original than “Materioteca 08″. We tried to learn from these observations that have been made and I think the results so far obtained are very good”. > Read the review translated in ENGLISH by Google  < Tanto tantissimo progressive …

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Metal Empire interview Osvaldo Indriolo and Mirco Brunello

Metal Empire interview Osvaldo Indriolo and Mirco Brunello says: “I’ve read an interview with Steve Hackett and him talks about the research of the originality as an obsession, and I must say that I feel very close to this way of understanding this important aspect of composition”. > Read the review translated in ENGLISH by Google  < …

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Shapeless Zine about Materioteca 08

Shapeless Zine is excited about Materioteca 08: “The Wood of Light have hit the target and shine like a new interesting project in the Italian progressive world”. > Read the review translated in ENGLISH by Google  < I Wood of Light vengono da Treviso e “Materioteca 08” è il loro secondo MCD. Il gruppo è …

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Metal Empire about Materioteca 08

Metal Empire appreciate very much Materioteca 08: “… I’m thrilled and delighted thanks to their professional ability to play well and with the right inspiration”. > Read the review translated in ENGLISH by Google  < Mi ero quasi rassegnato all’idea che il 99% dei gruppi Prog italiani fosse di infima qualità o, comunque, privi della …

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Metalitalia about Materioteca 08

Metalitalia appreciates the instrumental section but the english pronunciation of Paolo Guerra “gives to the work an awful provincial character”. > Read the review translated in ENGLISH by Google  < Nati nel 2005, i Wood of Light giungono oggi alla seconda prova in studio con “Materioteca 08“, un anno dopo il debutto “Materioteca 07“. Fautori …

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