
Tag: Ventidue

Shapeless Zine interview Osvaldo Indriolo

Shapeless Zine interview Osvaldo Indriolo: “if by chance some songs had to have one or more sections like Dream Theater’s sound, we discard it immediately”. > Read the review translated in ENGLISH by Google  < I Wood Of Light provengono da Treviso e suonano un prog metal decisamente interessante. Abbiamo scambiato due parole con il …

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La Nuova of Venezia about i Wood of Light

La Nuova of Venezia about Music Mestre Growing: “The Wood of Light of good singer Simone Colman showed a good sound performance of their songs in prog-metal style.” > Read the review translated in ENGLISH by Google  < Il giovane rock conquista il Laurentianum Il rock giovanile conquista il Laurentianum. La seconda sera delle fasi eliminatorie del …

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Escaping Gig @ Music Mestre Growing 2010 (Mestre, VE – Italy)

Wood of Light @ Music Mestre Growing P.zza Ferretto / In caso di pioggia > Auditorium Laurentianum 30174 – Mestre (VE – Italy) at 7.00 PM – free entry Il Duomo di Mestre > view maps set list 1. Free Body Of A Lifer’s Soul 2. R. Gregory’s Perception 3. The Man Who Knows His …

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